About Cooper
Often we think we’re certain about what we want; thankfully, sometimes when we are wrong, a higher power intervenes. It took me 2 1/2 years after Elliott’s departure for the Rainbow Bridge to consider allowing another dog into my home and heart. When I was ready, I was dead set on a black and tan male Cavalier King Charles Spaniel…to be named Jackson. I was so sure and focused - nothing was going to change my mind. Apparently “Nothing” also goes by the name of Cooper.
To make a long story short, as I diligently pursued an online search for breeders and rescues (that met my specific desires in a new dog to love), a photo of a ruby boy popped up; it gave me pause. While I pressed onward searching for that elusive black and tan Jackson boy of my dreams, I found myself returning to look at the ruby boy’s photo every day…a few times a day. The photo was not particularly cute; there wasn’t anything obvious about the image that set this boy apart from any others. But, I was being pulled toward him. I tried to remind myself that I “knew” what I wanted and not to stray, but it didn’t matter - I knew that THIS was my dog. Perhaps Elliott was working his magic from up above and directed me to this pup. So I made arrangements. While some shook their head at the idea of not meeting him first to see if the chemistry was there, I simply knew that we were meant to be together. They always say that "you just know"...of course, that is typically regarding a significant "human" other. I also knew he was not a Jackson. While a few names swirled around in my head, I felt I needed to meet him to know his name. In June 2012, a 10.5 week old ruby boy jumped out of his crate and into my arms and heart. I knew instantly his name was Cooper.
Since day one, Cooper has been Mr. Personality – charming all that he meets with his endless enthusiasm, posing for photos and photobombing the ones he is not the subject of. Not one to ever be quiet and demure, he approaches every human and dog as a new instant friend and every day as a new adventure. Cooper and his non-stop energy (running, jumping, catching, rolling, swimming, etc.) have earned him the moniker “Super Cooper”. Sure, a lot of dogs named Cooper adopt that title (for rhyming purposes only), but in my Cooper’s case, he truly owns it...ask anyone. If there were ever any doubt of his “super” authenticity, they were erased in May 2014 when Cooper not only survived a brutal dog attack on the dog beach, but survived a serious surgery two days later due to his injuries. He was cut around the middle from one side over his back and down the other side, like a belt. Muscles and tissue were removed because of necrosis – and he was stapled back together. The vet was not sure of what his quality of life would be, that is, if he recovered at all. But, Cooper not only recovered, he reCOOPERated and was back to his energetic, high jumping, ball catching super self in record time. Yes, he is Super Cooper; and he is also our C.M.O. (Canine Marketing Officer).